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All Pell Grant eligibility reports selected for verification by ED Express must have financial data verified. All ISIR’s verifications must be completed before the ISIR is considered valid.

The procedures for ISIR validation follow a consistent pattern:


  1. After all documents have been supplied or pulled from the student's file, the student is sent to see the Financial Aid Counselor.

  2. Validation is done by the Financial Aid Counselor, face-to-face with the student, the following data elements will be verified:


V1- Standard Verification Group

  • Household size;

  • Number enrolled in college;

  • Adjusted Gross Income (AGI);

  • U.S. income tax paid; and,

  • Other untaxed income and benefits;

  • SNAP if reported on ISIR; and

  • Child support Paid reported on ISIR.


V3- Child support Paid reported Group


V4- Custom Verification Group (High School Completion Status/Statement of Educational purpose; SNAP, if reported on ISIR; Child Support Paid, if reported on the ISIR)


V5- Aggregate Verification Group (Standard Verification Criteria (V1); High School    completion Status; Identity/Statement of Educational purpose).


V6- Household Resources Verification Group (Standard Varication Criteria (V1); Other Untaxed Income; SNAP, if reported on ISIR; Child Support Paid, if reported on ISIR)


3. Supporting documentation collected from the student’s (and parents or spouse, if applicable) is compared to the information reported on the students Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR). Verification documentation collected must be retained in the student’s file as evidence that the process was completed


4. The validator verifies the information on the ISIR by asking the student if the information is correct. All boxes must be verified.


5.  If all of in STEP THREE are answered "NO", then STEP FOUR must be verified with the parents' (or guardians) and the student's income tax forms.


6. If one question in STEP THREE is answered "YES", the student's income tax forms must be used to verify STEP  TWO.


7. The Financial Aid Counselor must request a report from the Social Security Administration stating the yearly support paid on behalf of any student who receives such aid.


When the report is received and posted in the POWERFAIDS MODULE in hand, the validation is the same as above for STEP THREE and FOUR. Completion of the validation process will be performed by the corresponding financial aid counselor.


In the event that a correction must be made, it will be re-transmitted through the EDE Express System.



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